| Blossoming of North Lotus: The Tireless Watch Hall

The hall, rich in Chinese architecture, connecting two wings, allowing the monastics to move around freely in the winter.
The stately prayer area in the hall, where monastics diligently practice everyday by prostrating for forgiveness, praying, and making offerings. The Buddha’s form that gives constant delight to all who regard it, makes the hall even more auspicious.

Great Wisdom Buddhist Institute will dedicate prayers to every name on the wall of merit.

Any excess proceeds from this offering item will go towards GWBI's Construction Fund. In addition, in the event of a force majeure event such as natural or nuclear disaster, act of war or terrorism, etc. that prevents construction from taking place, all donations will go towards GWBI's Operating Fund and funds will be used on an as-needed basis. Such updates will be posted on GWBI's website.

Please feel free to chat online with our donor relations team or email hope@gwbi.org if there are any questions.

※ As a show of our appreciation, for every offering amount of CAD225 (or equivalent to other currencies), GWBI would like to display one name of your choice on our wall of merit in the new monastery. Please fill in the name(s) as indicated below. If only the family name is provided, we will add “& family” to the family name. We regret that we are unable to display more than one name per CAD225 (or equivalent to other currencies) of offering.

Kindly state your support